This Copywriting Pro Helps You Create Really Good Copy

spiral binder page with message

Sick of watching endless videos on how to become a good copywriter? Taken a few courses that didn’t quite do the trick? Yep, me too.

I bet you didn’t learn anything useful for your sales pages and email sequences either. That’s the meat in the sandwich! You need real stuff to use in real-life copywriting situations!

It’s so frustrating when the words won’t flow. Or when they do, the constant re-writes make you feel like you’re a rotten writer.

Thank goodness I came across this guy named Eric Campbell.

Eric J Campbell

Eric also recognized a need in the copywriting courses marketplace. What need? That we need to see editing done in real-time. See how the pros make their prose seem effortless. So he made sure that his course contains real-world headline and copy examples. He also shares the steps he takes to achieve professional copy in no time flat.

My curiosity is piqued … what else can Eric teach us? How about a copywriting formula that combines PAS and Customer Language? Yep – he tackles that and shows us how to find customer language that will sell itself when you add it to PAS. THIS has made all the difference in my messaging.

If your copy is currently written shot-gun style, you may hit one or two targets. When using Eric’s principles of focus and figure out who you ARE writing to, you’ll gain pin-point precision and achieve your goal. Which is to provide the right information that satisfies your reader. Heck, it might even make you a sale!

Now go empty that waste-paper basket. Check out Eric’s course called Write Copy Like a 6-Figure a Year Copywriter In 2019 over at Udemy!

You’ll be writing like a pro (and charging for it) right away!


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