Jumping Through Google Hoops

Google Search

It’s hard enough to keep up with maintaining a site. Then there’s jumping through the Google hoops. Black Hat, Grey Hat — whatever color hat — it’s not worth fudging and finagling SEO to simply rank. Google knows, or it will soon, through Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Just Be Honest

If you’re gonna blog about a topic, keep it to that topic. Be honest. There’s too much bait and switch going on. But that’s not news. Been going on since I was born and no doubt will continue long after I’m dead.

Are you jumping through Google hoops? If you create a post for your readers, with honest writing, and facts to back it up — along with headlines that actually relate to the paras below them — then it’s all good. No distaste on your part for hoop-jumping is necessary!

Search Intent

There’s much ado about search intent. Rightly so, IMHO. How many times have you frustratedly asked Google a question, only to find three ads plonked above the results — and they’re somewhat dubious at best. Again, A.I. will take care of that. It’s on its way as I type this.

A.I. will weed out the page(s) you land on where you get one (or two sentences, if you’re lucky) related to what you were actually searching for. The rest of the page is loaded with crappy ads and links to stuff you’d rather not visit. Ask me how I know. Admittedly, it’s getting better.

Do No Harm

Google is concerned about what your “search intent” is and the (possibly harmful) results you get. They’re trying to figure out how to give you what you want — without bringing up stuff that can be potentially (and purposefully) misleading. Mammoth task. They don’t have enough warm bodies to weed out the blatantly bad stuff that can sear your eyeballs.

This is where A.I. really comes in. Look, Google already does a great job of weeding out the crap pages, but every now and then a slippery eel page gets pushed to the top of the SERPs. Mostly click-bait. Very annoying.

Tell That To The Scammers

Yes, I know I’m rambling here a bit. But it’s my site, and I am going to write what I want, and keep on jumping through Google hoops. Why? Because it makes sense. Give your page a slug that relates to your headline(s) that relates to your content. Plain and simple. But tell that to the scammers out there whose only goal is to get a Page 1 SERP ranking. And then switch and bait you to death until you give up looking for what you were searching for in the first place.


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