Penny's Got Her Cat

Penny’s Got Her Cat

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A bittersweet indie ballad about missed connections, lost cats, and the courage it takes to finally say hello.


You’re out there in your driveway,
Wonder if we’ll meet,
I watch you every day
From far across the street.
It’s so sad to be on my own, must it be this way?
It’s so sad to be on my own, how much must I pay?
All my friends are married,
Look at me – I’m harried,
Not blessed with looks or cash to flash.
Just me here in my garden patch.
It’s so sad to be on my own, must it be this way?
It’s so sad to be on my own, how much must I pay?
Oh God, you’re walking over,
Today’s my lucky day.
“Hi there, my name is Dan!”
My heart won’t let me say…
“Have you seen my cat?” she cries,
“Lost since yesterday.”
Through her tears I find my voice,
“I’m Dan, I’ll help, okay?”
The ice is broken, Penny’s got her cat!
No more loneliness… Penny’s got her cat…
She’s going…
It’s so sad to be on my own, must it be this way?
It’s so sad to be on my own, how much must I pay?
All my friends are married, look at me – I’m harried,
Not blessed with looks or cash to flash.
Just me here in my garden patch.
It’s so sad to be on my own, must it be this way?
It’s so sad to be on my own, how much must I pay?
The ice is broken, Penny’s got her cat!
No more loneliness… Penny’s got her cat…
No more loneliness… Penny’s got her cat…
She doesn’t need me.
[Fade out guitar]

© 2024 Lyrics by Susan Gast
Music: AI Generated

Featured on the album SupaBees@Heart

SupaBees at Heart album

7 thoughts on “Penny’s Got Her Cat

  1. I can’t believe how much I vibe with the ‘neighborhood wallflower anthem’ 😍. It’s like SupaBees literally read my mind and wrote down exactly how I feel! Anyone else feel super seen after reading this??

  2. hey, did anyone else notice the cool background score SupaBees mentioned? kinda gives a whole new layer to the anthem vibe.

  3. While I appreciate the essence of what SupaBees is trying to convey, isn’t there a broader implication about society’s view on introversion? We often celebrate the loud and the bold, but there’s profound strength in silence and observation.

    1. Absolutely! There’s too much noise in praising noise. It’s refreshing to see quieter strengths getting the spotlight.

  4. So when do we get an anthem for the extroverts, huh? Or is shouting into the void our theme song? 😂 SupaBees hit the nail but forgot about the rest of us loudmouths.

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