Echoes of You

Echoes of You

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A soul-stirring R&B ballad about finding peace after heartbreak, learning to let go, and embracing personal growth.


The days keep rolling on
Since you’ve been gone
These memories play on repeat
Footprints down our old street
I see you’re happy now
With someone else somehow
I’m trying hard to let it be
Set my jealous feelings free
Time heals all wounds they say
Some scars just want to stay
I’m learning how to smile again
You’re writing your new chapter’s end
Each day I choose to grow
Beyond the undertow
Of memories we left behind
As peace I’m learning still to find
It’s not erasing what we had
Or pretending I’m not sometimes sad
It’s about finding my own way
Through each and every day
These thoughts may linger on
But I’m getting strong
Learning how to let you be
Setting my own heart free
Time heals all wounds they say
But some scars just want to stay
I’m learning how to smile again
You’re writing your new chapter’s end
I see you’re happy now
With someone else somehow
I’m trying hard to let it be
Set my jealous feelings free
The days keep rolling on
Since you’ve been gone
These memories play on repeat
Footprints down our old street
I see you’re happy now
With someone else somehow
I’ve got to let it be
Set my feelings free
The days keep rolling on
Since you’ve been gone…

Β© 2024 Lyrics by Susan Gast
Music: AI Generated

Featured on the album SupaBees@Heart

SupaBees at Heart album

7 thoughts on “Echoes of You

  1. just read this part about getting back on your feet and smiling, really needed this today thanks SupaBees for putting it into words, makes the whole moving on process seem less alone

  2. I’m not sure I believe in the whole ‘time heals’ spiel. Sometimes it feels like these articles sugarcoat the reality of how tough it really is.

  3. omg, the part about learning to smile again hit different. We all need a reminder that it’s okay to feel and that we can move past it. Great read πŸ™‚

  4. While the article by SupaBees touches on the surface of post-breakup growth, it’s the unspoken journey within that marks true recovery. It’s not just about learning to smile again, but rediscovering oneself in the silence that follows the storm. Thoughts?

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