Auld Acquaintance

Auld Acquaintance

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A heartfelt New Year’s ballad that wraps nostalgia, friendship, and treasured memories into a modern take on the classic “Auld Lang Syne” tradition.


This song takes me back to when I was 18, celebrating New Year’s Eve with my boyfriend at a Scottish family’s party. It felt so right to sing Auld Lang Syne that night. Here’s my version:


There’s a photo in my hand from years ago
Faces smiling, some I barely even know
Time moves faster than we ever think it will
But these memories, they linger still
Some friends gone, some friends changed
But tonight they feel so close again
For auld acquaintance, we raise our glass
To memories that fade too fast
Some doors close, and some paths end
But I’ll remember my old friends
Though time and distance make us part
You’re always here inside my heart
For auld acquaintance, one more toast
To those we’ve loved and miss the most
Letters written, calls we meant to make
Promises that somehow had to break
Life gets busy, years slip through our hands
Not everything goes as we planned
But tonight we pause to say
We remember yesterday
For auld acquaintance, we raise our glass
To memories that fade too fast
Some doors close, and some paths end
But I’ll remember my old friends
Though time and distance make us part
You’re always here inside my heart
For auld acquaintance, one more toast
To those we’ve loved and miss the most

© 2024 Lyrics by Susan Gast
Music: AI Generated

Featured on the album A Happy SupaBees New Year

A Happy SupaBees New Year album

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  1. loved the part where it talks about raising a glass to old friends, really hit home for me. makes me wanna reach out to some people i haven’t talk to in a while. thanks for sharing, SupaBees!

  2. was wondering how the music for this was generated by AI, sounds intriguing. did it capture the essence of the classic tune or what? very curious about the process.

  3. While the lyrics are touching, I’m skeptical about how an AI can create music that truly resonates with human emotions. Missing the human element seems like a big gap. It’s cool, but can it really replace the authenticity of music made by real artists?

    1. Actually, AI has come a long way and can produce surprisingly emotional and complex music. It’s all about how you use the tools!

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